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Model: FL72046

€22,00  €17,00
Save: 23% off

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  • Shipping Weight: 0.2lbs


Complete plastic kit with resin update, canopy and 4 decal options.

Colour schemes:

  1. Fiat G.50, flown by Maggiore Mario Bonzano, Commander of the XX Gruppo (56 Stprno) known as 20./JG56 by the Luftwaffe, Corpo Aerea Italiano at Ursel, Belgium for operations against the UK, October 1940.
  2. Fiat G.50, FA-6/3, of LeLv 26, Finnish Air Force, Lunkula, September 1941.
  3. Fiat G.50, FA-22/4 of LeLv 26, Finnish Air Force, winter 1952.
  4. Fiat G.50, MM.4744, training unit Italian Air Force 1942.

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