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Focke Achgelis Fa 330
Focke Achgelis Fa 330
€20,00  €15,00
Save: 25% off
Rotachute Mk III
Rotachute Mk III
€17,00  €12,00
Save: 29% off

Conditions of Use

Business conditions


The Contractor: LF Models, Ing. Ladislav Fojtl, Novy Malin 711, 788 03, Czech Republic, IC60009179, DIC:CZ6711211694.

lfmodels.com: Information displayed by the Contractor on its website www.lfmodels.com.

The Purchaser: Every internet user sending an order to purchase any product displayed on the www.lfmodels.com to the Contractor.

Retail Sales Contract

Any displayed information on the lfmodels.com does not constitute a contractual offer, but a purchase offer which confirms with the present general conditions.

The Contractor expresses its willingness to enter into a contract by sending the Purchaser acceptance of his order by e-mail.

The contract will be entered into upon receipt of the Contractor's acceptance message in the purchase mailbox on the server of his Internet Service Provider. The Purchaser is responsible for verifying that his electronic mailbox is functional. The Purchaser is responsible for any consequence in the event of a breakdown.

Prices and Taxes

Our prices are subject to change without prior notice and apply to delivery from Novy Malin, Czech Republic.

There is only one price shown at the moment: you will see price for retail customers which includes Czech VAT.

The delivery period starts from the crediting of the relevant amount to the seller's account. In the event that the ordered goods cannot be delivered within the specified period, the seller will inform the buyer about this together with information about the replacement delivery date. Delivery will take place within 30 calendar days of receipt of the order, unless otherwise agreed.

Payment can be made:

• by bank transfer against the sent payment advice

• payment card (3D-Secure) with VISA, MasterCard

• via PayPal.


In the event that the payment card holder / buyer decides to use a payment card for payment for the selected goods, he shall fill in the details of the payment card on the payment page of the banking institution. The banking institution will ensure secure encrypted data transmission and the seller will only communicate the result of the authorization, thus instructing the order to be processed. This eliminates the possibility of misuse of the payment card by the entity from which the buyer buys the goods and free transfer of unprotected data on the public computer network. The seller does not store credit card numbers.

Shipping costs are dependent on delivery country and the weight of articles. Total shipping costs are visible when the order is completed.

Delivery Conditions

The products chosen by the Purchaser will be delivered by Czech Post Services (registered Air Mail).


The merchandise is transported on the risk of the Purchaser. The Contractor does everything to deliver the merchandise to the Purchaser in perfect condition, however the Contractor cannot be held liable for damages occurred during transport.

Any complaint (damage, delay etc.) about transport have to be passed immediately to the shipping company and to the Contractor.

Return Policy

If the Purchaser faces a problem with sent products, he can return his order (or its part) to the Contractor within 48 hours after receiving the merchandise (the Purchaser has to send us a written reason of return and a copy of receipt from local Post Office by e-mail or fax). No product will be replaced or reimbursed by the Contractor after this period.

Return Policy Rules

Damaged on Arrival (DOA)

The DOA-procedure gives the Purchaser the right to receive a new product within a reasonable refurbished period. The Contractor cannot be held responsible for any delay in the DOA procedure. The damaged products will be wrapped up and returned, as new, to the Contractor, at the latest 24 hours after receiving the merchandise. The return-shipping-cost, is a cost for the Purchaser and the Contractor will not reimburse any return-shipping-costs. The Contractor will send to the Purchaser a new product as soon as he will receive the damaged one back. The Purchaser will also notify the Contractor by e-mail ( lfmodels@lfmodels.com ) about that.


The product does not match your ordered merchandise. The Purchaser will notify the Contractor by e-mail ( lfmodels@lfmodels.com ) that the product does not match his needs. The ordered products will be wrapped up and returned in its original safety-package to the Contractor. The Purchaser will be charged for all the costs of this procedure. The Contractor will reimburse to the Purchaser the value of the product via his paypal account (or any other agreed account ) as soon as he will receive the product back. Shipping costs are reimbursed as well.

Privacy Policy

You can visit website www.lfmodels.com without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourselves. We will not share your personal information with other companies that offer related services.

If you decide to buy in our shop, you will have to register and provide us your name, e-mail address, postal address and other contact and personal information.

Disclaimer of Liability

The Contractor is not liable for any damage or injury caused to the Purchaser by the use of items delivered by the Contractor.

Should any parts of these terms and conditions be void or invalid the validity of all other clauses is not impaired.


All product names, company names etc. are trademarks and the property of their respective owners.


Obchodni podminky


Dodavatel: LF Models, Ing. Ladislav Fojtl, Novy Malin 711, 788 03, Czech Republic, IČ:60009179, DIČ:CZ6711211694.

lfmodels.com: Informace zobrazene dodavatelem na jeho webove strance www.lfmodels.com.

Kupujici: Kazdy uzivatel internetu, ktery zasila objednavku na nakup vyrobku zobrazovaneho na www.lfmodels.com dodavateli.

Smlouva o maloobchodnim prodeji

Veskere zobrazene informace na strankach lfmodels.com nepredstavuji smluvni nabidku, ale kupni nabidku, ktera je potvrzena soucasnymi obecnymi podminkami.

Dodavatel vyjadruje ochotu uzavrit smlouvu prijetim objednavky e-mailem a potvrzenim objednavky.

Vsechny objednavky ucinene v nasem Online Shopu jsou zavazne. Zaslanim objednavky kupujici potvrzuje, ze se seznamil s obchodnimi podminkami, kterymi se ridi nakupy v nasem Online Shopu a ze s nimi souhlasi.

Zaregistrovanim, popr. odeslanim zavazne objednavky dava kupujici prodavajicimu souhlas k archivaci osobnich udaju o kupujicim a jeho nakupech (dale viz Ochrana osobnich udaju).

Kupujici je povinen uvest spravnou a uplnou postovni adresu, na kterou ma byt objednavka zaslana. Zbozi je dodano na adresu uvedenou kupujicim na objednavce.

Objednavku lze zrusit bez udani duvodu a jakychkoliv sankci do 24 hodin po odeslani objednavky a to primo prostrednictvim e-mailu (lfmodels@lfmodels.cz). V opacnem pripade muzeme pozadovat uhradu skutecne vzniklych nakladu, pokud jiz objednavka byla odeslana. Dodavatel si vyhrazuje pravo zrusit objednavku v pripade, ze se zbozi jiz nevyrabi, nedodava nebo se cena vyraznym zpusobem zvysila. V kazdem pripade bude dodavatel kupujiciho o teto skutecnosti vcas informovat a obe strany se dohodnou na dalsim postupu.

Kupujici je povinen odebrat objednane zbozi a zaplatit jeho cenu. Vratit zbozi je mozne do 14 dnu od doruceni pouze nepouzite a v originalnim baleni (dale viz Vraceni zbozi).

Dodavatel je povinen vyridit zavaznou objednavku a zaslat objednane zbozi dle pozadavku kupujiciho na udanou adresu.

Dodavatel si vyhrazuje pravo odmitnout objednavku, pokud kupujici aspon jednou neodebral zbozi, popr. opakovane bezduvodne zbozi vratil.

Termin vyrizeni objednavky

Zbozi, ktere je skladem bude expedovano v nejblizsi odesilaci den (utery a ctvrtek), popr. se lze dohodnout na odeslani v jiny pracovni den na zaklade zadosti kupujiciho. Pokud jsou v objednavce polozky, ktere nemame na sklade, pak celou objednavku vyrizujeme priblizne v dodaci lhute 30 dni. V pripade, ze objednavka obsahuje vetsi mnozstvi polozek, ktere nejsou skladem pak se doba vyrizeni objednavky muze prodlouzit zhruba na 2 mesice ci dele. Pokud nektere polozky budou po uplynuti 6 mesicu dlouhodobe nedostupne, budeme Vas o tom informovat a spolecne se domluvime na dalsim postupu.

Platebni podminky

Úhradu lze provést:

  • bankovním převodem oproti zaslanému avízu o platbě

  • platební kartou (3D-Secure) kartami VISA, MasterCard

  • prostřednictvím služby PayPal.


V případě, že se držitel platební karty/kupující rozhodne za vybrané zboží využít k platbě platební kartu, vyplní údaje o platební kartě na platební stránce bankovního ústavu. Bankovní ústav zajistí bezpečný zakódovaný přenos dat a prodejci pouze sdělí výsledek autorizace a dává tím pokyn k vyřízení objednávky. Tímto je odstraněna možnost zneužití platební karty subjektem, od kterého si zboží kupující kupuje a volného přenosu nechráněných dat na veřejné počítačové síti. Prodávající neukládá čísla platebních karet.

(EET obdrzite po vystaveni faktury, ktera predchazi samotne realizaci autorizovane transakce).


Ceny jsou smluvni.

Zbozi zustava az do uplneho zaplaceni majetkem prodavajiciho.


Reklamace bude vyrizena dle reklamacniho a pravniho radu platneho v CR. Kupujici je povinen zaslat zbozi k reklamaci vzdy v puvodnim obalu a vyhradne po predchozi telefonicke ci pisemne domluve s prodavajicim.

V pripade, ze u dodaneho zbozi byla zjistena nekompletnost dodavky ci vada na zbozi, je kupujici povinen neprodlene o tom informovat prodavajiciho e-mailem (lfmodels@lfmodels.cz). V jinem pripade muze dodavatel odmitnout takovou reklamaci vyridit.

Pri reklamaci je nutne uvest:


a) Cislo dodaciho listu ze zasilky (popr. dolozit kopii dodaciho listu).

b) Podrobny popis zavady.

Dodavatel rozhodne o reklamaci nejpozdeji do 3 dnu a vyrozumi o zpusobu reseni kupujiciho. Reklamace bude vyrizena bez zbytecneho odkladu, nejpozdeji vsak do 14 dnu ode dne uplatneni reklamace. Pokud v teto dobe neni mozne reklamaci vyridit, je povinnosti prodevajiciho poskytnout kupujicimu odpovidajici kompenzaci podle vzajemne dohody.

Pokud doslo k poskozeni zbozi pri preprave, narok na uplatneni reklamace zanika.

Bez predchozi domluvy nam nikdy neposilejte zpet nekompletni modely, popr. jine zbozi. V pripade nekompletniho nebo jinak poskozeneho modelu Vam dodame pouze chybejici ci poskozene dily.

Vraceni zbozi

Kupujici ma pravo podle odstavce 6 novely obcanskeho zakoniku c.367/2000 odstoupit od nakupu bez udani duvodu do 14 dne od prevzeti zbozi. V pripade, ze se tak rozhodne, je kupujici povinen zaslat zbozi zpet prodavajicimu v uvedene lhute (urcujici je datum odeslani). Zbozi musi byt neposkozene, bez znamek pouziti ci opotrebeni a vyhradne v puvodnim obalu.

Kupujici nemuze odstoupit podle odstavce 7 novely obcanskeho zakoniku od nakupu pri dodani casopisu nebo periodik.

Kupujici ma i narok na vraceni expedicnich poplatku, ktere byly uhrazeny tretim stranam. Po obdrzeni vraceneho zbozi prodavajicim bude kupujicimu prislusna castka vracena podle dohody s prodavajicim. Jakekoliv naklady spojene se zpusobem takovehoto vyrovnani jdou k tizi kupujiciho (napr. vyse postovneho pri zaslani castky slozenkou apod.).

Ochrana osobnich udaju

Prodavajici prohlasuje, ze osobni udaje kupujiciho jsou informace duverne a budou pouzity pouze pro potrebu dodavatele, nebudou zverejneny, ani poskytnuty tretim stranam ci jinym zpusobem zneuzity. Tyto informace jsou archivovany z obchodnich a marketingovych duvodu prodavajiciho a bude s nimi zachazeno podle Zakona c.101/2000 Sb. o ochrane osobnich udaju.

Kupujici dava souhlas k archivaci osobnich udaju, ktere jsou sdeleny pri registraci a pri provedeni kazde objednavky.

Kupujici ma pravo pozadat prodavajiciho o vymazani osobnich udaju z databaze (tj. zruseni registrace), ale pouze jen pisemnou formou.

Zaverecna ustanoveni

Obchodni podminky plati v plnem zneni v den odeslani objednavky kupujicim. Prava a povinnosti, ktere neupravuji tyto obchodni podminky, se ridi obchodnim zakonikem, pripadne dalsimi obecne zavaznymi pravnimi upravami.

Uvedene obchodni podminky plati pouze pro zasilky v ramci Ceske republiky.